Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

Manuscript Submission

Follow the process below:

1. Select the system registration option from the system login page;

  2. Completing the requested information such as name, surname, etc. (all fields with stars);

   3. Save information;

   4. Login to the system with the username and password sent to the author's email

Guide to writing and submitting papers

In order to comply with the standards and maintain uniformity, use the template for preparing papers.

The submitted papers will be published after expert review and upon approval by the editorial board. All the dear professors and researchers who send their papers for publication in this quarterly are requested to pay attention to the following points when preparing the papers.

The shape of the paper
The paper should be typed in the Word 2010 software , in the size of A4 page. (margins are 2.5 cm from the top and bottom, 2 cm from the right and left), title font: Persian font, text B Titr with font size: 16 for the title of the paper and For the names of authors 12 in bold and in the middle of the line; Text font: persian text B Zar with font size: for the abstract part 11, the main text of the paper 12, footnotes 11, sources 11, key words 10 and the Persian content of the pictures 10; The distance between the lines is one centimeter and the indentation at the beginning of each paragraph is equal to 0.5 cm and aligned (Justify); English font Times New Roman text with font size: for English title (bold) 14, English abstract 12, formulas 11 (left margin), footnotes 11, references 11, English content of figures 9, subject classification 8; The titles of figures and diagrams are italic and bold, with a 6-point spacing (pt) before and after the figure and diagram and in the middle of the line; A maximum of 20 pages (including sources and references) and without page numbering, typesetting and the main file of the paper and the file without the author's name should be sent through the paper receiving system As much as possible, do not use photos in the text of the paper, and if used, the photo should be of high quality and black and white.

2. The structure of the paper

2-1. The first page of the paper: the title and abstract of the paper in persian. The abstract is a research paper that provides basic information about the research to the reader by reading it. The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words. In the abstract, first, the subject or purpose of the research is explained in a maximum of two lines. After that, the research method, which includes the population, the sample, the implementation method, the time and place of the research implementation, and the data collection tools, should be explained in a maximum of three to four lines, and then the description of the analysis method and the general results of the research in two to three lines. Submitted.

  paper keywords should be between 3 and 5 words.

The scientific structure of the Persian and English abstract of the paper should be followed, including the purpose, research method and results.

2-3. Second page to the end of the paper: This section should include the following:

- Introduction (several paragraphs including statement of the problem, theoretical foundations, purpose, importance and necessity);

- An overview of the background (only related researches should be reviewed in chronological or thematic order, and the result of this section will be the extraction of a theory matrix or a conceptual or analytical model that documents the variables of the research.

- Research method (including: research method, information gathering tool, analysis techniques and hypothesis testing model, definition of studied variables and their operational definition (it can be presented in the same section as hypothesis testing models and in this case it does not need to be repeated) , statistical population, sample size and sampling method);

- Research findings (including: presenting the findings, comparing them with the research findings mentioned in the background and interpreting the compatibility or incompatibility of the findings with researches and theories);

- Conclusion (including: summary of the problem, presentation of the summary of the results and general conclusion and presentation of suggestions based on the results (policy recommendations are necessary only in applied research), and if necessary, a proposal for future research according to the limitations of the research or how to develop the current research) ;

- references

- The English abstract (which should be a meaningful and logical translation of the Persian abstract) should be included on the last page of the paper.

3. In-text references

APA method is used for Persian references in the text of the paper; in such a way that:

- The last name of the author along with the year of its publication is presented in Persian in the text, and there is no need to mention the English equivalent of the names in the text. If the number of authors is more than one, use a comma (,) and if the number of cited sources is more than one, use a semicolon (;) to separate them.

Any source that is mentioned in the text of the paper, its complete information should be included in the list of sources and other than these sources, no other source should be included in the list of sources and sources.
Important note: Please, while keeping the Persian sources in the sources section of the paper, these sources should be translated into English and after sorting alphabetically and mentioning the word (in persian) in the English sources section.
If you need necessary explanations about the terms or to mention the English equivalents of the words in the text (other than the names of the authors), use the footnotes. English phrases and terms should not be presented in the text, except for formulas and equations.

4. List of sources

APA citation method is used to set up the reference list; In this way, first the Persian sources and then the English sources, in alphabetical order and based on the last name of the author, are mentioned and numbered as follows:

4-1. Book: last name, full name of the author. (period and a space) (year of publication). (period and a space) book name in italics, (comma and a space) name of the translator, (comma and a space) place of publication ( two dots and a space) the name of the publication. (dot)

4-2. paper: last name, full name of the author. (period and a space) (date of publication). (dot and one space) title of the paper. (dot and one space) name of the publication in italics, period (number) in italics, (comma and one space) starting page number - (space) end of the paper. (dot)

4-3. Online papers: last name, full name of the author. (period and a space) (date of publication). (dot and a space) title of the paper. (dot and a space) name of the publication in italics, period (number) in italics, (comma and a space) starting page number - (dash) end of the paper. (dot and a space) ) received from (two dots and one space) site address

4-4. Reports and other sources: Sufficient and complete information should be provided in this regard as well.

- In the list of sources, if the number of authors was more than one, their names should be separated by semicolon (;).

  • The list of sources does not need to be numbered. If more than one title from one or more authors is cited, in addition to following the alphabetical order, the year of publication should also be followed; In this way, the book or paper that was published earlier (older) is included in the list earlier. In order to avoid mistakes between different sources included in the list, the beginning of each source will be without indentation or protrusion, and if the phrase is long, it
  • will continue with indentation (using the Hanging technique) of 0.5 cm.

5. Diagrams, pictures and formulas

The title of the diagrams should be inserted below and the title of the pictures above them. It is better to insert diagrams and pictures inside the text and after the place where they are mentioned. For numbering, use number 1 (numerical and inside parentheses, like picture (1)) to... The inside of the pictures should be written in persian, and in the conditions of using punctuation, avoid using a point instead of punctuation; If necessary, while inserting the Persian title of the variables, a column can be assigned to the symbols used for the variable in English as used in the equations and models. The column titles in the images should be in the middle of the line and the first line of each image containing the column titles should be displayed with gray color and brightness level 2. To refer to the content of pictures and diagrams in the text, proper reference should be made using their numbers. The formulas are also presented in two-column tables in the form of invisible lines (No Border) and numbered in the form of model (1) (numerical and in parentheses) until...

6. Footnotes

English terms and some necessary explanations should be presented in the footnote (not the subtitle) and in the form of a four-column table (including the footnote number and the content of the footnote) with invisible lines (No Border). The numbering of the footnotes should be inserted in Word without using the EndNote technique.

7. Other points

- There is no need for a space before periods, commas, semicolons, colons, question marks, exclamation marks, etc., but a space must be placed after these marks.

- When using parentheses, use a space before opening parentheses and after closing parentheses.

- Half spacing is mandatory in writing the paper. For example, the word they or they should be written in their form.

The English equivalents of the scientific titles of the authors are as follows:

English equivalents


MSc. Student


Ph.D. Student


Assistant Prof.

Associate Prof.


* The papers sent should not have been sent simultaneously to other Persian-language magazines inside or outside the country.

* Quarterly is not allowed to accept papers that do not comply with the form and structure mentioned in the guide.

* The magazine is free to edit papers and delete some sections without changing its content and does not return the papers it receives.

* The author is responsible for the correctness of the content of the paper.

* In order to speed up the process of refereeing and printing the paper, respected professors and researchers are requested to make sure the technical and literary editing of the paper and observe the points included in this guide before submitting the paper.

*Research papers are papers that are extracted from research projects, doctoral dissertations or master's theses.

  Please, the size of the sent file should not exceed 5 MB.


Please, since the original file of the paper is sent to the referees for evaluation, the name of the author or authors should not be placed on the file or inside the file (the original paper) and save the file of the original paper with the title of the original paper. The details of the authors in persian and English should be given separately in a file named (Authors' details). The following should be observed in the specification file:

- To write on the side of the writers

Ph.D. student.............., department/faculty.............., university.............. .., Tehran Iran.

Assistant professor...................., branch/faculty.................., university ..............., Tehran Iran.

- The name of the author or authors (the name of the author who is in charge of the correspondence should be marked with an asterisk);

- Scientific rank and the name of the institution or university or the place of employment (in persian and English), the full address of the author who is in charge of correspondence, including: postal address, phone number, cover letter and email address (for all authors);

In mentioning the names of the authors, titles and titles should not be used and only the scientific rank and place of service should be included.
important points:
Please do not put a separate title with the title of background, and the internal and external background should be presented and analyzed in an integrated manner in the theoretical foundations and hypotheses section.
All authors must enter the Persian sources at the end of their paper in English, and the word (In Persian) must be inserted in front of it.
Please provide at least two references to previous papers published in the Journal of Auditing Research.
  In order to comply with the standards and maintain uniformity, use the template for preparing papers.
Only papers that strictly follow the principles of writing are included in the judging stage.
If the paper has a sponsor or provider of research credit, it is mandatory for the author to include this topic in the paper.
Respected authors are required to download the commitment form and the conflict of interest form below and after completing, sign and scan it, send it along with the paper file.

Click here to receive the letter of commitment from the authors of the papers.

Click here to get the conflict of interest form.

Conflict of interest form

Authors' commitment form